Recover the Damages You Deserve
From George’s Interview for the Masters of the Courtroom series on
If you have suffered a modular neck fracture, or the failure of your metal-on-metal hip, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses and expenses resulting from this injury. Maximizing your recovery requires an experienced product liability attorney who will represent your interests in court. The value of an attorney in such cases should not be underestimated. Medical device manufacturers, such as Wright Medical Technology, have unlimited financial resources to defend their products. George McLaughlin will pursue your rights and take the steps necessary to help ensure you receive just and fair financial compensation. To arrange a consultation with Mr. McLaughlin, contact our law firm today.
Compensatory Damages
Compensatory damages are what a victim receives to reimburse them for their injury and losses. This is an award of money, determined by a jury, after hearing your case at trial. Compensatory damages may include reimbursement for the expenses you incurred for your medical treatment. It may also include an award for future medical expenses, as well as any loss of income, past and future. In the case of a modular neck fracture or metal-on-metal hip failure, the medical bills can range from $40,000 to over $200,000, often creating a financial hardship for the victim and their family.
General Damages
Pain and suffering, disability, and loss of enjoyment of life, are much harder to quantify. These are called general damages. An artificial hip failure may have a severe impact on your quality of life, both in the short term, and in the long term. The failure of your artificial hip may result in severe and constant pain, possibly for the rest of your life. You many need additional hip surgeries in the future, causing yet more pain, suffering, and disability.
Punitive Damages
Punitive damages are what a jury may award to punish the defendant manufacturer for its wrongful conduct. Punitive damages are not available in every case. Whether a punitive damage claim is available in your hip failure case will depend on many factors, and the law of your state.
Recovering Artificial Hip Failure Damages – Contact Us
The first step in determining whether you are entitled to financial compensation for injuries sustained as a result of a modular neck fracture, or other artificial hip failure, is to consult with a qualified and experienced attorney. To arrange a consultation with George McLaughlin, contact our law firm today.